Plan Chest for Chicken Town

A plan chest made out of poplar. Handles to be fitted.

This plan chest was made for Chickenland. Chickenland is the trading name for Nando's. The wood that it was made out of was Poplar. It is not commonly used. This is mainly du to the fact that the grain is a little furry, but when it is sanded and sealed it has a wonderfully liquid look. It is also quite a soft wood so can damage easily. This though is the reason why the client asked for the chest to be made out of Poplar. They wanted something that that could be "aged" fairly quickly.

The back of the plan chest.

Detail of the top.

The plan chest showing the inside.

The top o the plan chest before being sealed.

The top of the plan chest before being laminated together.

A Plan Chest for an Art Collector

A plan chest made out of African Mahogany

This plan chest was built for an Art Collector. They were looking for a set to match the furniture in his office. As with many of the sets that I make access was a bit tricky so they have been split into two sections. In these photos it is just waiting to be delivered.

Looking at the plan chest from the back.

The plan chest with the top drawer open.